1. Added "email password reset" feature to the "Staff" tab of Clinic Settings page, as well as the ability to add new users. In addition, adding a new doctor automatically creates new a new user account for the doctor with an automatically generated username.
  2. Added a COVID-19 screening form that can be shown for in-clinic bookings and emailed to the clinic if a patient answers "yes" to one or more of the questions. This feature can be enabled for any clinic.
  3. Added "Oscar Settings" tab to the Clinic Settings page, where users can change their Oscar credentials and regenerate REST OAuth tokens.
  4. Shortened video appointment links.
  5. Added back the "Send link via SMS" button on the Video Appointments page that allows doctors to resend the video appointment link to patients.
  6. Made some changes to template code handling: '0' is no longer a special case to disable a workflow medium (i.e. in clinic, video, or phone), and a blank value no longer allows any template code to be bookable. Instead, leaving the template codes blank will disable the workflow medium, and '*' should be used to allow any template code to be bookable.
  7. Fixed bug where private-paying patient registration was overwriting the demographic record with a blank PHN, and re-enabled private-paying patient registration. Also fixed bug where after registering, private-paying patients were being redirected to a blank booking form instead of the form with their profile already pre-filled.
  8. Hid the "Enable notifications" button on the Video Appointments page for iOS devices due to the notifications not being supported in iOS.
  9. Added an option to delete workflows in the Clinic Settings page.
  10. Updated Pediatrician booking message to state that an active referral is needed for booking.